Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Changing Oracle Logo in OIM

If you ever need to customize the logo in Oracle Identity Manager, the do the following steps:

1. Take the file xlWebApp.war from your oim server installation folder and copy it to another folder - say C:\CustomWebApp.
RECOMMENDATION: Take a Backup of this file in another location as well (just incase).

2. Go to command prompt and change your current directory to be C:\CustomWebApp.

3. Run the following command:
jar -xvf xlWebApp.war

4. Copy your company's logo file(s) to the following folder:

Suppose you have 2 files header_r1_c1.gif (actual logo file) and header_r1_c2.gif (company punch line file).

5. After this, edit the following file in any editor -


Search for the following line:

And change this to

6. Next, edit this file C:/CustomWebApp/tiles/common/tjspHeader.jsp and look for this line (NOTE : This line may appear different in different versions. So, just concentrate on looking for clientlogo keyword.

<html:img bundle="xlDefaultAdmin" pageKey="global.image.clientlogo" height="80"/>

And change it to

<TD valign="center" align="left" width="650px" height="80px" background="/xlWebApp/images/header_bkgd.gif">
<html:img bundle="xlDefaultAdmin" pageKey="global.image.clientlogo" height="80"/>
<html:img bundle="xlDefaultAdmin" pageKey="global.image.clientlogo1" height="80"/>

AGAIN NOTE: You might just have one file. In that case, you do not need the second line (referring clientlogo1). You may also adjust the alignment left, center or changing the width of the table.

7. Save all the files and come out of text editors.

8. Now, delete the xlWebApp.war from C:\CustomWebApp

9. Issue the following command:
jar -cvf xlWebApp.war .

10. It will create a new xlWebApp.war file now. Copy this xlWebApp.war in your OIM Server Xellerate installation webapp folder.

11. Then go to OIM Server Xellerate Installation setup folder and run the following command while jboss is still running.
patch_jboss.cmd xlAdm
./ xlAdm (in Unix flavors).

NOTE: "xlAdm" here is the database password for your OIM schema User that you created while OIM installation.

12. This will deploy your new war file and all you need is a restart to your jboss application server. Now you should see new logo in your OIM on all the pages.

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